Life imitating art
So here's something funny. I wrote a story, a couple of years ago, about 3 siblings who go to rescue their father from the family home because it is filling up with water.
It's sort of about my family, but not really at all, in that way that stories are.
Anyway, at the end of the story, the siblings go back to the family home only to find it has disappeared. There is nothing left but a huge hole in the ground.
Last year my mother moved out of the home where she'd lived for more than 20 years (not really our family home, but kind of). In a convenient series of events, she moved next door.
The people who bought the old house have just demolished it. So all that's left is some rubble and a (kind of) hole in the ground.
Pretty spooky huh.
The power of a good story - can make pretty big waves in this thing we call the real world.