Autopsy of a Comedian e-launch
Today my second e-collection of short stories with Clan Destine Press launches!
I'm celebrating by holding an online launch and releasing audio snippets of the stories via Facebook and Twitter.
I've gathered them all here for your listening pleasure, just click the titles to listen. And if you'd like to buy the collection, you can get it here:
Audio teasers:
A forensic pathologist is confronted with a case that gets under his skin and inside his mind.
A private detective – down on his luck, whose daughter is missing – has an unexpected encounter with the living dead.
They’re the perfect couple with the perfect life, until one day when the mysterious pods start arriving.
For a has been artist, now teacher, one final chance for artistic glory comes at a price.
And as a bonus track, a teaser of the lead story in my first collection, the award-winning:
You can buy that collection here:
A Clean Job and other stories
Merry end of 2013 and happy 2014!
As a little combined update and teaser about my last few months writing, below is the opening of my 2012 Scarlet Stiletto Award winning story: A Clean Job. It's just been published with Clan Destine Press as part of my first e-collection of short stories.
Enjoy! And look for the links at the end if you'd like to read more.
Happy New Year :)
A Clean Job
Up and at ‘em. High level activity in South Precinct. Up for it?
The message dragged Fitz from a deep sleep. On auto-pilot she punched a return message: There in 20.
She blinked her eyes into full focus. It was 9.48 pm. Not too bad, she thought. She’d had over two hours sleep; proper, restful, undisturbed sleep. If she got that twice a day she was doing well.
Her heart skipped when she saw who the message was from. It was a sure sign she should have calibrated. The customised dose of chemicals, delivered via skin absorption technology, was recommended at least once a day. Calibration levelled emotions, keeping the mind clear and relaxed – the ideal state for optimal function.
Some days Fitz just wanted to keep her edge, rather than smooth out every emotional bump. This often got her in trouble, but her innate skill and position as an elite operative was born from her daring attitude. And even though she knew that it could lead to danger and loss of judgement, Fitz liked the buzz she got when she saw Maxine’s name on her screen.
Fitz zipped up her jacket and pulled on her boots. In the kitchen she splashed water on her face and sculled a cup of cold, black coffee. Then she checked and packed her mobile calibrator and the tranquilizer. Lastly, she slipped Marilyn into the holster at her belt. High level activity usually meant danger.
You can read more about the collection of four crime themed stories here, or download it from the Clan Destine Press website here.