FilmLife Project Blog Challenge
So the FilmLife Project is a collaborative project in conjunction with Donate Life Week 2012 (19-26 February), that aims to inspire and encourage young people to have conversations that ask and find out their loved ones wishes around organ and tissue donation.
And the FilmLife Project Blog Challenge asks bloggers to answer 3 questions about organ donation. So here I go ...
1. What’s your take on or experience with organ donation, and why did you choose to take part in the FilmLife Blogger Challenge?
I am a registered organ donor. When I think about dying and what I want to happen with my body I can't think of anything better than it being useful to someone who is still alive. That just makes so much sense to me. The same way as you'd give some tomatoes to a friend from your garden, or donate a cot to a family who needs one once you don't need it any more. It makes me feel less anxious about dying and more at peace. As for why I took the challenge, well I think about life and death most days so it's good to have a new outlet :)
2. If you were to donate your organs, which one would you love to donate, and why?
My brain. I know so little about it. If it had a lifetime with another person some of the kinks might get ironed out and a few of the strange, mysterious areas brought slowly into the light.
3. Who in your family would you need to talk to about organ donation, to be sure your loved ones knew your wishes?
My partner knows. I guess I should probably tell my mum and my siblings. And later on, my niece and nephews. Anyone who cares to listen really ...