A poem from my friend Jason
My friend Jason came to the launch of Your Looking Eyes and sent me this poem in response. I love it because the whole impetus behind the book was art responding to art in different forms. Long may it continue. Thanks Jason!
Sometimes, as she was reading to us all,
it looked like her eyes were closed.
But they weren't.
The ground was there,
under her nice looking boots,
it was worn away in a shape like a stone puddle.
Out the window was a man,
maybe her brother, but he looked like a man,
looking after the two kids.
Behind me I could feel the other art works,
kind of jealous,
wanting our attention.
There is something else to say,
about how I felt after I left,
Like a person with another person.
that one is another story.
The reader
My chapbook Your Looking Eyes launches today. Here is the opening poem:
The reader
In this piece the writer is stuck for words
She wants you to remember the thing that makes you squint
Sucking a lemon wedge
Fingernails on a blackboard
Draw a picture of your eyes
A place where you felt safe
Grandmother’s kitchen, flour on the table
That self- made cubby at the park, tucked between
the trees with sticky dark leaves
Smell the residue on your fingers
The time you ran – was it away or towards?
Whisper the sound of the shoes you wore
And that song, was it early Madonna
or a chorus from The Clash
maybe that opera duet (with the two men) or
the bit of piano concerto that they used for the ad
The one that’s in your head when you wake up
Close your eyes hum it softly
Art that asks me to do something. Am I doing it right?
Is someone watching? Will they laugh at me?