Ada Cambridge Poetry Award
This poem was highly commended in the recent Ada Cambridge Poetry Award as part of the Williamstown Literary Festival. It's in the anthology, along with the shortlisted and awarded biographical short stories, which you can buy at Hobsons Bay Libraries for $10 each.
Lay you down
For the funeral they calmed your yellow skin with make up
neat hair navy blazer silver buttons shining
I touched your hand thick and heavy like a slab of fish
couldn’t think of any words to say was that the day I picked you up?
seems I’ve carried you a long time now
curved shoulders those vertebrae protruding at the top of my spine
Freud says I look for you in other men
dragging you around like this head bowed it’s hard to see anything
night time is for resting but this bedroom is cluttered
too many shoes lonely earrings tax receipts swirling in pockets of dust
you slip into my dreams a puppet staring wide-eyed from a single bed
unable to move without my help effort to lift you drenches me in night sweat
once I see you happy sitting at an outdoor café
wearing the red mohair jumper she knitted smoking a cigarette
I want to leave you in this place but don’t know how we got here
silent movie on a far away screen grey dawn stirs the image flickers disappears
Where we live
This poem was short-listed in the Williamstown Literary Festival Seagull Poetry Prize:
A woman
hidden under bulging flesh and sallow skin
sprawls in the Westpac ATM alcove
barks out her mantra: 'Got any money?'
When I lived in India I had a policy
of giving money to three people each day
This is Footscray
Her horizontal pragmatism does not invite conversation
and I don't think she is interested
in attending any community storytelling workshops
In the shared back paddock behind our house
there is a tree planting invitation
everyone welcome
I wonder
The morning of the tree planting
jackhammers blast me from sleep at 6am
busting up bluestone to widen the streets
Not sure why this makes me sad
it's not as if I laid it
It just seems like a violent
kind of beautification