Working from home
In the morning I have a shower, get dressed
and eat breakfast, usually tea and toast,
I brush my teeth and leave the house.
I turn around and walk back through the front door
say hello to my co-workers, the plant,
the other plant, my boyfriend if he is home
(not so much a co-worker as a co-habitant in my building).
At morning coffee time I stand near the kitchen sink
- it's the closest thing I have to a water cooler -
and talk to myself about what I watched on TV last night.
When it is my birthday I buy myself a cake.
When it is not my birthday I buy a cake anyway
as it is probably somebody's birthday somewhere.
At the end of the working day I shut down my computer
say good-bye to the plants (and the boyfriend if he is around)
and leave the building.
I take a deep breath of the refreshing evening air
then turn around and open the front door,
I greet my plants and my boyfriend
pleased to be home after a long day.