Your looking eyes
by Emilie Collyer

Your looking eyes is Emilie’s first chap book, illustrated by Eirian Chapman


‘Your looking eyes is a collection of finely-tuned poems dedicated to the art of looking. Emilie Collyer deftly takes on the role of observer and collector of evidence and memory. Awkward moments and desire sit side by side with notions of the body. This collection is at once confessional and universal. Words linger and seek answers. Your looking eyes is essentially about those memory-soaked stories that bind us to the world.’ –Libby Hart

This book was written as part of an Australian Poetry Café Poet Residency at C3 Gallery, Abbotsford Convent. Editorial advice from Andy Jackson, Simon Hall and Martine Leonart.


  • “I’m not sure how I feel about the Australian Poetry Café Poet Program. On the one hand any publicity that poets and poetry receives is a good thing; on the other, the idea of sitting in a café like an exhibit while people come to marvel at the atrocity chills me to the bone. However, if the Café Poet Program can produce works like Your Looking Eyes then I am definitely all for it … Your Looking Eyes is a great introduction to Emilie Collyer’s work; 14 poems with strong visual aspects, the art-space literally infused in the words” - Mark William Jackson, Verity La

Reader response

‘I love your poems. I find them wistful at times, filled with longing and good questions about life, and quietly observant about the way things are or have been.’


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