Not weird enough
This week's entry is the first of a special new series by guest contributor: Susan the Obscure. Thanks Susan! We look forward to enjoying your words of wisdom.
I've noticed a trend
I hope the trend ends
For young women to claim
on the comedy stage
that they are 'odd', 'weird' and 'strange'
It's apparently all the rage
But take heed young gals
you've got too many pals
and stories about dances and parties and friends
and normal events like childhood and travel
and sweet little white lies that innocently unravel
Your tales are sweet
your performances are neat
but in order to claim the titles of 'odd'. 'strange' or 'weird'
you really have to ramp up the stakes
Weirdness is something you can't fake
My advice I hope you'll take
Otherwise I'll come after you and stab you with a rake
Susan the Obscure